Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weapons of Mass Cultural and Religious Destruction

Weapons of Mass Cultural and Religious Destruction

By Geoff R. Leonard

There is just too much logical and historical information on the Internet not to pin the tail on this donkey.

I thought your response excellent and parts of it read just like the authors. The Frankfurt School is in fact the locus of what has been described as Cultural Marxism and the very source of the Culture War that is raging today. I have no confidence that it will not ultimately triumph. I suspect that we are in the thick of the battle, which we are by no means winning. Make no mistake about it, Christianity and Western Civilization is the enemy and this is a war with our way of life at stake. The intention, which is a familiar one, is to subvert existing order and to supplant it with an elite group who are the only ones capable of interpreting reality.

What we have in the Frankfurt School is a Manhattan Project like effort by men as intellectually strong in Cultural Critique as Einstein, Oppenheimer and Edward Teller were in Physics. Instead of pondering quantum or nuclear physics, those of the Frankfurt School were constructing cultural weapons to be used in disintegrating Western Civilization, Christianity and Gentile European history. In point of fact and to use Richard Dawkin's Meme Theory, these men were designing "meme complexes" much like a terrorist group would construct biological weapons of mass destruction. Instead of a squash court at the University of Chicago, the Frankfurt School operated out of a little non descript building in Berlin, then Columbia University and Berkeley. Herbert Marcuse was the man who almost single-handedly mutated the Frankfurt School into the Boomer generation during the Counter Culture Revolution of the 60's (ref. Eros and Civilization). So with our attention diverted, while we were working to bring down the Soviet Union, Political Correctness aka Cultural Marxism penetrated under the cover of darkness the American psyche and began to take hold in the 80's and 90's.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this always ha been a Conspiracy, especially in its initial stages. It is as much of a conspiracy as the Commintern and events preceding and following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. It has grown beyond the level of a select Elite and has become the conspiracy of the Boomer Elite.

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